A string is finite sequence of characters over a non-empty finite set Σ.
In this problem, Σ is the set of lowercase letters.
Substring, also called factor, is a consecutive sequence of characters occurrences at least once in a string.
Now your task is simple, for two given strings, find the length of the longest common substring of them.
Here common substring means a substring of two or more strings.
题意:求两个字符串A,B的最长公共子串。字符串长度不超过 $250000$。
我们先构造 $A$ 的 $SAM$,然后用 $A$ 的 $SAM$ 一次读入 $B$ 的每一个字符,初始时状态在 $root$ 处,此时最大匹配数为 $0$,(这里的最大匹配数是指以当前读入的字符结尾,往前能匹配的最大长度),设当前到达的状态为 $p$,最大匹配数为 $res$,读入的字符为 $x$,若 $p->next[x]!=NULL$,则说明可从当前状态读入一个字符 $x$ 到达下一个状态,则 $res++,p=p->next[x]$,否则,找到 $p$ 的第一个祖先 $s$,$s->next[x]!=NULL$,若 $s$ 不存在,则说明以 $x$ 结尾的字符串无法和 $A$ 串的任何位置匹配,则设 $res=0,p=root$。否则,设 $res=s->res+1,p=s->next[x]$。我们求$res$ 所达到的最大值即为所求.
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#include <bits/stdc++.h> namespace SuffixAutomation { const int MAXN = 500010; struct Node { Node *fa, *next[26]; int max; Node(int max = 0) : max(max), fa(NULL) { } Node(int max, Node *p) { *this = *p, this->max = max; } inline void *operator new(size_t); } pool[MAXN], *cur = pool, *root, *last; inline void *Node::operator new(size_t) { return cur++; } inline Node *extend(int c, Node *p) { Node *np = new Node(p->max + 1); while (p && !p->next[c]) p->next[c] = np, p = p->fa; if (!p) { np->fa = root; } else { Node *q = p->next[c]; if (p->max + 1 == q->max) { np->fa = q; } else { Node *nq = new Node(p->max + 1, q); q->fa = np->fa = nq; while (p && p->next[c] == q) p->next[c] = nq, p = p->fa; } } return np; } inline int work(char *s) { register int res = 0; register Node *p = root; for (register int len = 0; *s; ++s) { register int c = *s - 'a'; while (p && !p->next[c]) p = p->fa; if (!p) p = root, len = 0; else len = std::min(p->max, len) + 1, p = p->next[c]; res = std::max(res, len); } return res; } inline void solve() { root = last = new Node(); static char s[MAXN]; scanf("%s", s); for (register char *c = s; *c; c++) last = extend(*c - 'a', last); scanf("%s", s); std::cout << work(s); } } int main() { SuffixAutomation::solve(); return 0; }